Stand by Me

Devotional Passage

“Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.” – Ruth 1:16

On Sunday in The Sanctuary, Pastor Yolanda preached a powerful word on covenant with the book of Ruth. We live in a day and age where many make oaths and promises to each other yet seldom follow through. It is a rare and valuable treasure to have people in our lives who not only mean what they say but follow through on what they say. Ruth was one such woman, she made a covenant with Naomi and she kept her word. God is one who keeps His Word, in fact He watches over His Word. In Genesis 20:29 it speaks of how even when God was destroying Sodom that He earnestly remembered Abraham and His promise to Him and made an escape for Lot and His family. God keeps His Word, He stands by His Word and His Word never returns void. As His children we must do this too. The world needs to see that we are a people who keep our word. There has been so much hurt that has been done even to each other in the body of Christ from not keeping our word to each other. If we have fallen short in this area today His mercy is new, let us repent and commit to being a man or woman of our word from this day forth.

Enter into a Prayer of Worship

Father, we thank You that You have set the standard by being One who keeps His Word and covenant forever. We ask that You would search our hearts and if we need to repent for breaking covenant or promises to others that You would reveal that to us. Father help us be a people that honors the words we speak. Help us to be slow in making promise. In Your Name we pray, Amen.

Enter into Worship

Stand By Me-Ben E. King

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