Beginning your Journey with a Profound Reliance on HIM (God)

Devotional Scripture

Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish. Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God:” – Psalm 146:3-5

Many have asked, how can I achieve the victorious life that I was promised, and that others seem to have. The Father has simply answered this question by letting us know, that we can achieve the victorious life by living solely dependent on Me (God). When one thinks of a successfully victorious life they are usually speaking from a materialistic  and struggle view: a life without pitfalls or stumbling. But the Father knows that the more extreme our circumstances, the more likely we are to see His power and Glory at work in our lives. So, instead of letting the difficulties draw you into a state of worry, try to view them as a course set for your victory. Keep your eyes and mind open to all that He is doing in this season. Come to Him with an open mind and heart, inviting Him to plant His desires within you — so that He can infuse within you a dream that seems far beyond your reach. When you reach this point you will know within yourself that you cannot accomplish it alone, thus, beginning your journey of a profound reliance on HIM (Your God).

Enter into Prayer

Lord we ask that You help us to have a true dependence on You and Your will for our life. Help us to obtain a faith walk, taking it one step at a time while leaning on You. Help us to understand that this walk will not be absent of trouble. We will come up against some failures along the way, but even than we cannot give up. Because each failure will be followed up by a growth spurt of maturity and wisdom, nourished by our increased reliance on You. Help us to die to ourselves daily so that You can live in us. We ask these things and all other things in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit — Amen.

Contributed by: Sharessa BassIMG_3345

Sharessa is the CEO of The Real Me Foundation. She is a devoted mother of 5, originally from Whiteville NC and is one of 7 siblings. She is a faithful covenant member of The Sanctuary, and is passionate about sharing her faith in a very real way. If this devotional has fed your soul, please share with your friends and family. Click the social share button or leave a comment in the box below for Sharessa

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