Covenant Commitment


Covenant Partnership is one benchmark the leadership can use to determine whether we are accomplishing the mission of connecting people to God, one another, and our world. As a Covenant Partner, you share in the anointing on Pastor Yolanda’s life as she keeps you under Spiritual Covering by praying for you,  your loved ones, and your needs on a daily basis. Your part as a Covenant Partner is to be committed to the mission, vision and values of The Sanctuary and be actively involved in fulfilling them.

1. I will protect the unity of The Sanctuary.

  • By acting in love toward other members – Romans 15:5
  • By refusing to gossip – Ephesians 4:29
  • By restoring offenses according to Matthew 18:15-17.

2. I will share the responsibility of The Sanctuary.

  • By praying for its growth – I Thessalonians 1:2
  • By warmly welcoming those who visit – Romans 15:7
  • By regularly studying God’s Word and praying. – II Timothy 2:15;Ephesians. 6:18.

3. I will serve the ministry of The Sanctuary.

  • By discovering and using my gifts and talents – I Peter 4:10-11
  • By developing a servant’s heart – Philippians 2:3,4,7
  • By making Christ my Master not my mascot – Romans 12:1-2.

4. I will support the testimony of The Sanctuary.

  • By attending faithfully – Hebrews 10:24-25
  • By living a godly life – Philippians 1:27; Ephesians 5:1
  • By being consistent in my giving – Malachi 3:8-10; Lev. 27:30
  • By encouraging one another to build strong families – Col. 3:18-21; Mal. 4:6; Ps.112:1-9
In The Sanctuary, “Covenant Partnership” is our shared commitment to fully participate in our shared vision, values, and mission rooted in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Which means any follower of Jesus is invited to join us in this covenant. Please complete the form to acknowledge your partnership with The Sanctuary Ministries. We thank you for your prayers and desire to see the advancement of the Kingdom of God alongside us. Please complete the form below.