Covenant Partnership is one benchmark the leadership can use to determine whether we are accomplishing the mission of connecting people to God, one another, and our world. As a Covenant Partner, you share in the anointing on Pastor Yolanda’s life as she keeps you under Spiritual Covering by praying for you, your loved ones, and your needs on a daily basis. Your part as a Covenant Partner is to be committed to the mission, vision and values of The Sanctuary and be actively involved in fulfilling them.
1. I will protect the unity of The Sanctuary.
- By acting in love toward other members – Romans 15:5
- By refusing to gossip – Ephesians 4:29
- By restoring offenses according to Matthew 18:15-17.
2. I will share the responsibility of The Sanctuary.
- By praying for its growth – I Thessalonians 1:2
- By warmly welcoming those who visit – Romans 15:7
- By regularly studying God’s Word and praying. – II Timothy 2:15;Ephesians. 6:18.
3. I will serve the ministry of The Sanctuary.
- By discovering and using my gifts and talents – I Peter 4:10-11
- By developing a servant’s heart – Philippians 2:3,4,7
- By making Christ my Master not my mascot – Romans 12:1-2.
4. I will support the testimony of The Sanctuary.
- By attending faithfully – Hebrews 10:24-25
- By living a godly life – Philippians 1:27; Ephesians 5:1
- By being consistent in my giving – Malachi 3:8-10; Lev. 27:30
- By encouraging one another to build strong families – Col. 3:18-21; Mal. 4:6; Ps.112:1-9