Covenant Partnership

Understanding the Covenant Partnership with The Sanctuary Ministries

The Sanctuary is in the midst of an unprecedented time. God is causing The Sanctuary, individually and corporately, to arise to new levels of revelation and service as we expand across generational, gender, and denominational boundaries. A new level of authority requires a new level of commitment. Covenant Partnership is your declaration that you are joined with The Sanctuary as we declare and demonstrate the unlimited, unmerited, unprecedented love of God. Read more below on what it means to be a part of this ministry.

The Name

  • A Covenant is an agreement between two or more parties that involves responsibilities on the part of each other.  A partner is one who shares in some common activity with another individual or group.


  • A Partnership is a covenant relationship between people who support one another in the achievement of a common goal.   Covenant commitment brings alignment and alignment brings breakthrough. Alignment is a positioning word. In human terms, it is an intentional word. We choose to be aligned.   As we become aligned, revelation and authority will increase. Gifts and strengths will be maximized. We will become steadfast and established in our positions, fully able to fulfill our God-given destiny.


  • Covenant Partner is someone who is committed to this ministry and shares its vision of facilitating spiritual maturity and equipping for ministry in the church; in the community and globally.” Based on Ephesians 4:16 and 1 Thessalonians 3:1-3, together we make up the Body of Christ and should therefore support one another.   As your partner, we want to help you fulfill the will of God for your life. That’s what partners do – we help to maximize each other’s strengths and to eliminate all weaknesses. Furthermore, as you consistently sow your time, talent, and treasures toward the vision of The Sanctuary, you can expect the manifestation of God’s vision for your life! Through the partnership, we all play a significant role in building the Kingdom of God on the foundation of God’s love.


The purpose of establishing the Covenant Partnership with The Sanctuary is three-fold:

  • To challenge and encourage everyone who has trusted in Jesus Christ as their personal Savior to also grow in their spiritual maturity, and in their personal devotion to Christ as their Lord.
  • To establish a clear set of fundamental scriptural commitments, equipping individuals to have a positive impact on their sphere of influence in their household, the community, and the world.
  • To promote a global “togetherness” that is expressed in specific commitments to love, encourage, serve, and protect one another in The Sanctuary family.


  • The pastoral leadership of the church will be committed to supporting and encouraging you to honor each of the covenant commitments in your life, in order to stimulate and nurture your personal spiritual growth and maturity as a “fully-devoted follower” of the Lord Jesus Christ. In some cases, the Matthew 18 process may be employed by the leadership to restore your relationships and spiritual health, both individually and corporately.


  • Personal Benefits – The primary benefit of the Covenant Partnership is to facilitate personal, spiritual growth and maturity in your life by providing the challenge of accountability to specific commitments that honor Christ and promote His cause in our generation!
  • Corporate Benefits – The benefits of the Covenant Partnership to the ekklesia are many and vary. Primarily, it makes for a stronger, more committed ministry/support base, and promotes corporate strength by facilitating individual growth and corporate growth. Prayer support and covering our partners in prayer until there is victory in your situation.
  • Duration – Our desire is to be a covenant community for life in the context of the ekklesia. Covenant Partnership may remain intact indefinitely as long as there is a commitment by the Covenant Partner. The Sanctuary is committed to the Partner for life.

Now that you know about Covenant Partnership, you can make the commitment that will transform your life. Click here to make your election sure, Covenant Commitment.