I’m Entitled, Just Like You

Devotional Scripture
God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them. – Hebrews 6:10
Always being the one on the go on a consistent basis, ignoring the signs of exhaustion, all the while showing up as the strong one has put such a stigma on me, so much so, that people look at me as if I’m supposed to be okay – all the time.  I’m not allowed to be tired. I cry in silence often, and  hide the pain of being overworked. There’s so much being expected from me, that when I decide to be selfish and take a time for me, the words that are spoken against me pierce my heart.
The very same one’s that are aware of the battles I face still require me to make them happy. I question God at times wondering what is it about me? Why is it such a difficult task just to make sure my priorities are taken care of? When will I ever be able to just sit back and enjoy the view of life? When will this end? Am I not entitle to have a weak moment? Or to not show up?
I remember I used to pray for His strength each day just to make it through. Now I’m seeing where these expectations are coming from, because it’s already in me, and they know that I am capable because of His strength that lives within me. And I can’t lie it feels good to be able to do the things I do. But even with the physical strength He gives me. For so long I’ve been capable of doing the work because it’s who I am and who He created me to be. His love is what fuels me and because it keeps me close, I am not lacking anything. Why? Because I am able to tap into His Strength to be strong in my spirit, my mind my whole being, so that I can show up.
Yes, I want to be the ONE! 

Kristina Cousar is a woman of many talents. The NewYork native is a mother of 3 who has faced a lot challenges and road blocks but it made her stronger by becoming a Covenant Partner and a Mentee. Kristina has been able to put fear behind her and she is now a Certified Chef and that’s only the beginning. She desires to be an example not only to single mothers but to anyone who is feeling hopeless.

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