It is great to welcome you to the web page of The Sanctuary Ministries Covenant Partners. It is even greater to welcome you to a life changing opportunity to become a Covenant Partner.
The support of The Sanctuary Ministries Covenant Partners are having a global and local impact. The Sanctuary Covenant Partners are transforming lives round the clock and around the globe
Our lives are the answer to somebody’s question – the solution to somebody’s problem. Every single day, across the earth, somebody steps into their destiny because of our obedience. Jesus said “Go”; and that is what we are doing. But we realise that it takes more than our anointing to get the job done. It also takes your support, your faith, your prayers and your finances.
We understand the spiritual principle of synergy. We know that when we combine forces, the results will be far greater than that of the mere addition of our strengths.
This is why we invite you to partner with us as we support you to achieve your destiny and you support us to advance the God’s Kingdom.