When Reality Sets In

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” – John 14:27
As a young single mother of 3 life is very challenging and this life was not what I intended for my life nor was it something I desired to be so early. Having this title in my opinion is very embarrassing, it makes you feel as if you’re not capable of being someone’s wife, or even worse good enough to even be in a relationship. It affected me a lot. I have made horrible decisions in an effort to not be a single mother. And when I had my third child I lost myself completely. I was mentally drained; I had no peace. Today I can tell you a different story.
Within a year I have accomplished a lot. Not just in my career but personally. I am in the process of finding exactly who Kristina is and I’m at peace. I’m finally living for me. I’m doing what Kristina wants to do and that’s facing my fears, creating my own path. I’m no longer embarrassed about being a single mother. I take pride in it because it takes great strength to keep holding on and showing up to do one of the most important jobs in the world. I know it comes from the Spirit that lives within me that has caused me to finally accept who I am. I am embracing it. It’s my struggle, my story and with God by my side there’s nothing I can’t do!
We all have a story, and I encourage you to let that story be an inspiration to others because what others think or say about you don’t stand a chance when God favors you!

Contributing  Writer
Kristina Cousar is a woman of many talents. The New York native is a mother of 3 who has faced a lot challenges and road blocks but it made her stronger by becoming a Covenant Partner and a Mentee. Kristina has been able to put fear behind her and she is now a Certified Chef and that’s only the beginning. She desires to be an example not only to single mothers but to anyone who is feeling hopeless.

2 thoughts on “When Reality Sets In

  1. Thank You Lord! Reading this devotional brings tears of joy this morning as I hear and feel the testimony of my beautiful young sister. Although I have witnessed “in person”some of her journey watching God just show “awffff” through her, the permanency of her written account of it is life-giving. Kristina, baby-girl, someone close-by watching silently is seeing God’s love through your story. Keep your light on!

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