Who Do She Think She Is…?

Devotional Scripture
“Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 3:13-14
For as long as I can remember words have been spoken against me, which lead me to becoming insecure, doubtful, blind to who I was and my gifts. As a result I created a space of self-hate that pushed me into shyness and silence. My kindness was often taken for granted. The biggest revelation I have received as I have been journeying and driven towards my destiny, was that I wasn’t aware of the corruption that I was surrounded by, I had a pack of wolves in sheep clothing dwelling around me and  it opened a door to the dark side. And the darkness tried to take ahold of me.
Now, I can speak differently as I see my past fading away. Even though it pops back up from time to time, I have finally grasped the courage and the boldness to not give it the attention it seeks, and I don’t feel guilty. Not one bit. I deserve better because my Heavenly Father says I deserve better. I now guard my heart above everything else from those who were determined to make me feel less than and desired to bring me down to the level they think I belong on; they take great pleasure in wanting me to feel as if I am nobody. For a moment, I almost went back to where I started from, the place where I thought I lost it all, but this time by the Spirit of the Father I am not casting away my confidence.  I am back on my mark and I will reach the goal, and I shall I not be afraid of those who ask who do I think I am. I will answer them with assurance, that I am a child of the Most High, measuring up to my high calling!

Kristina Cousar is a woman of many talents. The NewYork native is a mother of 3 who has faced a lot challenges and road blocks but it made her stronger by becoming a Covenant Partner and a Mentee. Kristina has been able to put fear behind her and she is now a Certified Chef and that’s only the beginning. She desires to be an example not only to single mothers but to anyone who is feeling hopeless.

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